Dataset shows the annual bunker sales by type in tonnes.
Dataset shows the monthly bunker sales by type in tonnes. (Latest month figures are preliminary estimates.)
Dataset shows the annual total cargo throughput by type.
Dataset shows the monthly total cargo throughput by type. (Latest month figures are preliminary estimates.)
Dataset shows the annual container throughput in twenty-foot equivalent units.
Dataset shows the monthly container throughput in twenty-foot equivalent units.(Latest month figures are preliminary estimates.)
Dataset shows the annual total number of registered vessels and shipping tonnage as at end of the period.
Dataset shows the monthly total number of registered vessels and shipping tonnage as at end of the period. (Latest month figures are preliminary estimates.)
This dataset shows the annual number of tanker arrivals (>75 GT) and shipping tonnage by type. Only vessels that are more than 75 Gross Tonnes are included.
Dataset shows the monthly number of tanker arrivals (>75 GT) and shipping tonnage by type. Only vessels that are more than 75 Gross Tonnes are included. (Latest month figures are preliminary estimates.)